
Eh, more of a little update than anything.  I think I’m in a bit of a writing slump.  Not exactly a slump really, as I am writing still, just not really on the blog.  I think I”m just out of creativity, and writing on other sites is helping me get on a… I dunno, better writing streak?  Point is, for now I probably won’t be writing on the blog too much.  It’s not like I have been a lot, anyway… I haven’t even been updating the XBLIG Fridays!  :(  I’ll be holding off on posting a lot on my blog until I get my groove back, but I’ll be throwing up reviews on Metacritic (I decided to write reviews for every game I beat this year on the site, and still plan on sticking to it) and writing some stuff up on Bitmob, so if you miss me (as I’m sure you will), I’ll be posting there!  :)

Random Personal Stuff

Eh, nothing important, but I felt like writing about the personal happenings as of late.  No real reason, really, except for the people that care (haha) to know what’s up, and er… stuff.

I finally got me a new laptop!  Yay!  My old one bit the dust a few years ago, and I had to mooch off everyone else for a while.  But, my luva sunk about 400 dollars into a Eee PC, and I gotta say, I love it.  It has awesome battery power (around seven hours! :o), and it’s little and light, for easy traveling (though I doubt I’ll take it too many places).  It doesn’t have a CD drive, but oh well, that’s not a big deal.  The biggest thing about the computer is that it came with Windows 7.  It’s not a bad operating system in the least, but it takes some getting used to… and not all the programs I use are compatible with it.  It reminds me a lot of the Mac OS, though…

It’s good timing for the computer, though, because my workload for my online courses has really been getting harsh.  Before, it was a lot of easy work, but now… it’s just a little hard work.  I’d rather do the easy stuff a bunch of times over than having just one hard problem, but hey, that’s how life works.  This week in particular I have a lot… three ‘labs’ (basically the problem mentioned earlier) and a project.  Guess I won’t be getting much gaming done.

Let’s see, what else… I went on a vacation last weekend.  It was great!  I went to the beach, and I really enjoyed myself.  I got sunburn (damn my pale Irish skin!) but I got to relax and enjoy the ocean, and that’s all that really mattered.

Don’t worry, I’ll be getting back to the more interesting posts shortly… for some reason, I just really felt like writing this!  Weird, I know.  Anyway, that’s all for now!


Eh, I think it’s time to begin posting again.  Why?  Because I want to!  I figured I had some free time again, so what better reason than to entertain the… er… swarming masses my writing prowess.  Or whatever.  I’ll be writing some worthwhile posts soon, but some notes, as I gotta update the blog a bit…

~ I’m just gonna delete all the outside links.  I’m not sure who still updates their blogs and stuff, sooooo… I don’t want to promote blogs that are dead!  Should the few people that I am promoting see this and actually DO keep up on their blogs, tell me and I’ll throw the link up again.

~ This’ll look a bit different soon.

~ I may change the catergories around a bit.  While I’ll still write mainly about games, it’ll be good to write about other things, too.  Yes, I know most people come here from the Backloggery, but meh.

That’s all for now.  So… um… yay!


I apologize for the lack of new posts recently… I could make excuses, like busy life, being sick, whatever… and while I probably COULD get away with saying that, it’s all false.  I could say there’s been nothing interesting to write about, but that’s a lie, too.  To be honest, I’ve been lazy and unmotivated.  It took a hell of a lot of willpower just to write this. I’ve barely been even playing videogames lately.  :p

Well anyway, there you have it.  I don’t know when I’ll write things again… maybe soon, though don’t really count on it.  We’ll see.

The blog’s under construction… D:

I’m messing around with some of the themes and widgets right now, and probably for the next few days. Sorry if things look outta order for a bit… I’m sure I’ll be done shortly.

And damn, I got 37 views for my rambling!? Awesome, that’s a new record! ;D

Uh, you’ll know I’m done messing with things when I make a new post of some kind.

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